Ever feel like you spend way too much time and effort trying to get your house to look tidy? YES!
Tidying meaning that not so fun activity of figuring where stuff goes and putting it back there. It could be clothes, shoes, empty used plates & cups, toys etc. The younger the children and the more pets you have, the more tidying up there seems to be.
But I just don’t like spending so much of my time sorting and putting stuff away! OK, who does?

Becoming Minimalist
I would rather spend my time reading, cooking, catching up with friends and family. Oh, there are so many other things I would enjoy spending my time on, other than tidying the house.
Maybe like me, you too long for life to be simpler, and to have a home that doesn’t require so much effort and time on your part.
READ: What Is Clutter

An Overwhelming Mess
At the beginning of 2017 I made one of my goals for the year, to have a clean, calm and beautiful home. My reality though was a different story.
Here’s how I described my home at the beginning of January 2017.
“Our living room floor is currently a jumbled mess of Duplo blocks, jigsaw pieces – from more than one puzzle, Lego, board game pieces etc. Yes it is our long summer break here in Australia. So some would say more mess is expected with the kids at home most days.
But then what about the piles on my desk. There’s also drawers and cupboards, organised previously and now everything is just shoved in again. I could also mention the number of creative projects I have sitting there unfinished, waiting for someday.
In my home it feels like there are reminders all around me of jobs I need to get to… when I have the time!”
My Clutter Threshold
To let you know though, at that time friends (excluding my super minimalist friends) would in no way describe my house as cluttered or even disorganised.
However, I knew how much effort it was taking to maintain that level of organisation and how exhausting it was. Of course there were the days and even weeks, that no one would see the piles and stuff everywhere.
But however organised I could make my home, as author, Dana K White, explains, I was living above my clutter threshold. You can read my review of Dana’s book, Decluttering At The Speed Of Life.
“I have a clutter threshold, and it’s unique to me. My clutter threshold is the point at which stuff becomes clutter in my home. When I’m living above my clutter threshold. there’s more stuff in my home than what I can handle and my house is consistently out of control. Living under my clutter threshold helps my home stay more naturally under control.” –
Dana K White, Decluttering At The Speed Of Life
I was living with more stuff than I could comfortably manage and I had more to do’s on my project list than I could ever accomplish.
I also realised that the clutter was getting in the way of having a home I loved and physically making it difficult to finish renovating rooms. All that “stuff” was also restricting me from using my time in the best possible way.
30 Day Decluttering Challenge
I tried 30 day challenges and the one thing in, one thing out idea. I would be gung ho for the first few days and end up with my kitchen drawers cleaned out. But then I would get stuck and feel overwhelmed again.
I couldn’t figure out how a 27 fling boogie could help me when I had a whole house of stuff to sort through, and more! That is, until I came across Marie Kondo’s book.
Thanks to serendipitously finding Marie Kondo’s decluttering book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, at the local library. I decided I was going to put my whole house in order!
Finally, tidying could be a once only event!
It was the first time I heard anyone talking about sorting through the contents of your home in such a way, as to never need to do a major declutter again.
It gave me hope to start decluttering my home because I knew there would be an end point. Even though it felt like it, I didn’t have an infinite amount of stuff.
Where to start decluttering?

So in January 2017, I started with our clothing. Yes, I went through every single piece of clothing we had in the house – mine, the kids, all the clothes packed away for them to grow into, the clothes in the mending pile etc.
READ: How To Painlessly Purge Your Closet
Then I went through all our books, the kids’ books, my books, books in the office, on the bookshelf, in boxes.
READ: Konmari Method For Books
Then non-sentimental papers, and then through all the stuff in the kitchen, bathroom, living room etc.
Does it spark joy?
Anything I found that was no longer useful or beautiful, was discarded or given away. I planned to sort through every item in the house before the fun bit of organising it all, rearranging rooms and decorating, happened.
This approach hopefully would mean I would not need to declutter my house in a major way ever again. I am going to say that again, because it sounds so good… no major decluttering ever again!
Konmari Before and After
Update May 2018
You know what, it sort of did happen as I planned. I decluttered our clothing, books and papers, and made significant progress.
Then I got stuck, on the big category of miscellaneous items. Progress was painfully slow…
In retrospect, I think that was due to having a lot of furniture and large pieces of decor I needed to sell. I use to have a home based business restoring furniture and selling shabby chic style decor. I had collected A LOT of stuff!
I gave myself a goal, over about 5 months, of listing on a local buy and sell website 6 to 8 pieces a week. Some went straight away, some didn’t. Quite a bit, I listed as freebies, because having it gone was worth more than the small amount of money I could get.

After the bulk of the physical clutter was gone, I went through wedding photos and old albums from my childhood and my first marriage. The emotional stuff!
A year and 1/2 later, I can actually say the majority of clutter is gone. My house DOES NOT look the same, as it did back then! You can see the difference in our living room!
I love my home now and I can honestly say, all of us do spend a lot less time tidying up than we use to!
Update August 2022
Thankfully, daily tidying up in our house continues to be easy and quick. (Some of it is to do with the kids being older now and spending more time on screens than playing with toys.)
I still have not had to do another whole declutter of our home. I do tend to tackle a small space though. like the linen closet or the pantry, every 3 to 6 months. I give it a mini declutter, wipe everything down and put things back in order. Recently, it was the drawers in the bathroom cabinet.
I am much more careful with what comes into our home than I use to be back then. The emotional and physical energy it takes to look after so much stuff is not worth it to me anymore.
But I am also not perfect, I still have a few drawers of sentimental stuff that I have not gone through and I don’t know when I will. I am ok with that!
Have you tried the konmari method for your home?
Sunday 27th of January 2019
Saying you'll never have to do it again is kind of silly though, I think a lot of people get down on themselves for nothing. Technology changes so those dvds no longer make sense but they did 15 years ago. In ten years I will have to get rid of candyland and chutes and ladders and things my kids have outgrown but it doesn't mean that I am wasteful right now. I think many people get caught up in what they are getting rid of, but even if it only brings you joy for a short time, it is worth it. Also, scan all your photos and back them up in a couple different cloud services, they aren't archival anyway.
Monday 28th of January 2019
I agree, there is no point in being hard on yourself. In fact a good dose of compassion towards oneself makes hard changes like decluttering your home a lot easier. I am fortunate that I don't have to declutter again, because I have actually ended up with more space in my home than what I have stuff to fill it. And I am a collector too! Knowing I find it hard to look after too much stuff and even harder to let go of stuff I choose to bring a lot less things into my home now. What sparked joy before decluttering no longer does as much! Yes, I still have to get rid of items that wear out or break or no longer serve their purpose. But most of that is to do with kids stuff not my own. And it is not a lot. Even with my kids, I encourage them now to choose items that will bring them joy for a long time not a short time or go for an experience over things. So I would say the short amount of pleasure at buying something you love doesn't make up for the stress you experience in adding another thing to your home.
Thursday 28th of June 2018
Hi, ive just come across your sight, it's delightful, thank you, Danni from Melbourne.
Thursday 28th of June 2018
Thanks Danielle! :)