Feeling overwhelmed can feel paralyzing, and can be so stressful! However, when life feels like it is too much, I want you to know that you are not alone. Feeling overwhelmed is something all of us experience!
Read through these quotes about feeling overwhelmed below, and may it help you gain a fresh perspective, realize that you have got this, and clarify what you need to do next.
Inspirational Quotes For When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed
1. When overwhelmed by life, return to your breath. Inhale peace, exhale chaos.
Taking a deep breath is an effective relaxation technique. It helps to calm the nervous system, slow down the heart rate, and reduce feelings of anxiety or panic. This simple physical action can provide immediate relief when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

2. It’s okay to ask for help when life gets overwhelming. Remember, you don’t have to go through it alone.
Many of us hesitate to ask for help when we feel overwhelmed because we feel embarrassed, ashamed, or think that we should be able to handle everything on our own. But seeking help is not a sign of weakness but a natural response to challenging circumstances. It is okay to reach out for support when you need it.
READ: What To Do When You Feel Overwhelmed With Life
3. Feeling overwhelmed? Take a deep breath. Step back, and remember who you are.
When you step back from a situation, it allows you to gain perspective. You may be too focused on the immediate problem or stressor. Taking a broader perspective can help you see the bigger picture and realize that the current situation, while challenging, does not define your entire existence.
Reminding yourself of who you are can be a form of self-reflection. It is a way of reconnecting with your core values, beliefs, and goals. This can then guide your actions and decisions, helping you navigate through the overwhelm more effectively.
4. The sun will rise and set regardless. What we choose to do with the light while it’s here is up to us. – Alexandra Elle
The rising and setting of the sun are natural and unstoppable processes, much like the passage of time in our lives. This perspective can help us take responsibility for our actions. How will you use the time you have today?
Life often presents us with setbacks and difficulties. Knowing that the sun will continue to rise and set can be a source of hope. It reminds us that even after the darkest of nights, tomorrow is a new day. This new day is a reset!
5. Overwhelm is not your enemy; it’s a reminder that you’re still alive. – Natalie Lue
Feeling overwhelmed is a natural and common experience that most of us go through. Instead of seeing overwhelm as a personal failing or weakness, see it as a part of the human experience.
Be compassionate to yourself. Overwhelm can be accompanied by intense emotions like stress, anxiety, and frustration. Even challenging emotions are a part of being alive and shouldn’t be suppressed or denied.
Overwhelm can also be seen as a signal that you are engaged with life and its complexities. It indicates that you are facing challenges and trying to manage them. You are showing resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.

6. Overthinking leads to anxiety, and anxiety leads to indecision. Choose to let go.
Overthinking often involves dwelling on past events or worrying about the future, which can lead to heightened stress levels. By choosing to let go, you can reduce this chronic stress.
Choose to be present and not get caught up in an endless loop of rumination. Let go by focusing on the present moment and releasing the grip of excessive thinking. Letting go of overthinking is a form of self-compassion and self-care.
By choosing to let go of overthinking, you can free yourself from the mental barriers that impede decision-making, making it easier to move forward and make choices.
7. In the middle of a storm, breathe. In the midst of chaos, create space. – Maxime Lagacé
Take deep, mindful breaths to help you stay grounded. Create space amid chaos by being present in the moment and not getting overwhelmed by external circumstances. Practice observing your thoughts and feelings.
If else fails, create space by getting into nature, having a cuppa, reading or listening to something funny etc. Give yourself permission to allow your mind to wander.
READ: What To Do When You Feel Overwhelmed With Life
8. You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass. – Timber Hawkeye
Instead of expending energy trying to change the unchangeable, focus on what you can change. Calming yourself means accepting how you are feeling in the present moment, which can lead to better decision-making and emotional well-being. The storms are temporary!

9. When life gets overwhelming, remember that one step at a time is progress.
When faced with a daunting task or a complex situation, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Instead break it down into small, manageable steps, which can make it feel less intimidating.
Take one step at a time and it will help you regain a sense of control over your circumstances. It’s a reminder that you have agency and can influence the situation, even if only incrementally. Directing your attention and energy more effectively can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving.
When you complete the one next step, it will give you a sense of accomplishment and serve as motivation to tackle the next step. Momentum will keep you moving forward. Progress might be slow, but it is still progress!

10. When overwhelmed, focus on what you can control, and release what you cannot.
Trying to control or worry about things beyond your control can lead to increased stress and anxiety. By letting go of what you can’t control, you reduce the emotional burden.
This looks like prioritizing the things you can control, which enables you to allocate your time and energy more efficiently, maximize your productivity and reducing feelings of overwhelm.
Recognize your sphere of influence and take action within it. This can make you feel more empowered and in charge of your life, even when external circumstances seem challenging.
11. It’s okay if you’re feeling overwhelmed. It’s a sign that you’re growing and evolving.
Overwhelm often arises when you are stretching your limits, taking on new challenges, or pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. It can serve as a reminder that you are actively pursuing personal growth and progress in various areas of life. Go you!
12. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.
Take care of your physical and emotional needs. Ensure you are eating well, getting enough rest, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Self-care is essential for resilience and maintaining a sense of balance in stressful times.
READ: What To Do When You Feel Overwhelmed With Life
13. When feeling overwhelmed, break things down into smaller tasks. Little by little, progress is made.
Dividing a larger task into smaller components makes it feel less daunting. It reduces the sense of overwhelm and makes the task more approachable.
Smaller tasks are easier to focus on. When you concentrate on one small task at a time, you can give it your full attention and do it well.
Smaller tasks create clear and specific goals. This clarity helps you know exactly what needs to be done and allows you to measure your progress more easily.

14. When overwhelmed, ask yourself: What is truly important in this moment?
Overwhelming situations often involve multiple tasks, concerns, or demands competing for your attention. Ask yourself what’s important. This helps cut through the noise and identify the most crucial priorities in that moment.
Concentrate your mental and emotional energy on the most significant issue or task. This will help reduce the feeling of being pulled in multiple directions, which can alleviate stress.
It also stops you from wasting time on less critical tasks or distractions. Focusing on what truly matters ensures that you allocate your time and resources to the most important stuff.
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15. Remember that it’s okay to pause and take a deep breath when life feels too hectic.
Pausing allows you to step back from a situation and gain perspective. It can help clear your mind and make it easier to think rationally and make better decisions.
When you’re feeling overwhelmed, emotions can run high. Pausing and taking a breath can give you the time you need to regain emotional control and respond to situations more calmly and thoughtfully.
16. When feeling overwhelmed, remember that you have the power to shift your perspective.
It may not feel like it, but remembering you have the power to shift your perspective when feeling overwhelmed can be incredibly helpful for your mental and emotional well-being.
When feeling overwhelmed, it’s common to catastrophize and imagine the worst-case scenarios. Shifting your perspective can help you see that not everything is as catastrophic as it may initially seem.

17. It’s okay to not be okay. Allow yourself to feel overwhelmed, and then seek ways to find balance.
Acknowledging that it’s okay to not be okay validates your feelings. It lets you know that it’s natural to experience overwhelm and that you don’t have to hide or suppress your emotions.
Recognize what emotions you are feeling and give yourself permission to feel overwhelmed. Self-awareness is the first step toward understanding your needs and taking positive actions to address them.
Once you’ve acknowledged your feelings of overwhelm, you can then seek healthy ways to find balance and cope with the situation. This might involve self-care, seeking support from others, or problem-solving the source of your overwhelm.
By giving yourself permission to feel overwhelmed and then seeking ways to find balance, you’re promoting long-term well-being. You’re acknowledging that emotional ups and downs are a part of life and that taking care of your mental health is essential.
18. Overwhelm can be an indicator that you’re lacking boundaries and self-care.
Knowing that you have control over your boundaries and self-care empowers you to take charge of your well-being. You can make choices to protect your mental and emotional health.
Setting and maintaining boundaries, as well as practicing self-care, can significantly reduce stress. When you have clear boundaries, you are less likely to take on too much.
19. When feeling overwhelmed, remind yourself that you’ve overcome challenges before and you’ll do it again.
Believing in your ability to overcome challenges can shift your perspective from one of fear and doubt to one of determination and hope. You’re less likely to perceive the current challenge as insurmountable when you have a track record of overcoming difficulties.
The knowledge that you’ve overcome challenges in the past can motivate you to take action and work towards a solution. It provides a sense of purpose and determination.
20. When feeling overwhelmed, remember that progress is still progress, no matter how slow.
Let go of perfectionism and the unrealistic expectation that everything should happen quickly or perfectly.
Even small steps count as progress and can motivate you to begin tackling a task or goal. The idea that you don’t need to achieve everything at once can make the initial step seem less daunting.
Slow progress helps you maintain momentum over time. Consistency, even at a slower pace, is often more effective in the long run than sporadic bursts of effort.
When you understand that progress can be gradual, you’re more likely to set realistic and achievable goals, which can boost your confidence as you reach them.
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21. Feeling overwhelmed is a reminder to practice self-compassion and prioritize self-care.
Self-compassion involves treating yourself with kindness and understanding, especially during challenging times. When you’re overwhelmed, it’s easy to be self-critical. Being kind to yourself can counteract this tendency and reduce negative self-talk.
Prioritizing self-care is a healthy way to cope with overwhelm. Choose activities that promote relaxation, rejuvenation, and mental clarity even when you feel like you don’t have time. When you’re kind and compassionate toward yourself, you’re better equipped to think clearly and make effective decisions, even in challenging situations.
22. When life feels overwhelming, look for the small moments of joy that can bring you peace.
Small moments of joy provide a temporary break from feelings of overwhelm. They allow you to step out of the intensity of the situation and experience a sense of peace and happiness. Bonus, it can trigger the release of positive neurochemicals like endorphins and dopamine, that help you feel more relaxed. Even better if you can share those moments of joy with others. It reminds you that you’re not alone in your journey.
23. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, step outside and connect with nature. It can provide a sense of peace.
Nature has a calming effect on your mind and body. Being in nature can help reset your emotions. It provides a break from the overwhelming thoughts that may be contributing to your stress.
Step outside and notice what you can see, hear, smell, feel in the natural world around you in that moment. Intentionally let go of worries about the past or future.

24. In moments of overwhelm, practice gratitude for the small things that bring you joy.
Focusing on the positive aspects of your life, even the small ones, can shift your perspective from a place of overwhelm and negativity to one of gratitude. Gratitude can motivate you to take positive actions.
The act of recognizing and appreciating small sources of joy can bring more joy into your life. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle: the more you focus on gratitude, the more joy you tend to experience.
25. Overwhelm is an opportunity to practice patience and trust the journey.
Practice patience in the face of overwhelming situations. It encourages a calmer and more composed response rather than reacting impulsive. Trusting the journey and having patience can reduce stress. When you accept that some things are beyond your immediate control, you can let go of unnecessary worry and tension.
Patience and trust in the journey can be an expression of self-compassion. It allows you to treat yourself kindly and acknowledge that you’re doing the best you can in challenging circumstances.
Take a long-term view of your life and goals. Instead of fixating on immediate results, focus on the bigger picture, which can lead to more sustainable success. It will help you be open to change and adapt to unexpected twists and turns.
26. Overwhelm is a sign that you care deeply about the things that matter to you.
Knowing that your feelings of overwhelm is a result of caring deeply can provide motivation to persevere and overcome challenges. It reinforces your commitment to your goals and values and deepens your connection to your passions and priorities.
Recognizing that overwhelm can be linked to what matters most in your life will help you prioritize your efforts and focus on activities that have true meaning and significance.
27. Pause, breathe, and remember that you are resilient and capable of overcoming challenges.
This is a reminder that you have overcome difficulties in the past and have the inner strength to face new challenges with courage and determination. View challenges as opportunities for growth and learning rather than insurmountable obstacles.
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